Date of Trip: Mar. 26th - Apr. 2nd
So about a month ago my family and I went down to Costa Rica because one of my sisters wanted to get married down there. I also have a sister who lives down there right now, (my brother in law does real estate.) So we all stayed at their house which thankfully was large enough to house us all. We were down there for a week, and this is how my trip was.
First of all I have never been out of the U.S. before. But Wensday we had a five hour flight straight to Costa Rica. The movie wasn't that fantastic and I had a hard time paying attention to it. But lets say that after a long flight we got their late and I went straight to bed. It wasn't tell Thursday morning that it finally hit me that I was in a different country, we were driving the to beach and I couldn't help but look around at everything as we drove. But on the way we stopped at crocodile bridge.
It was a four hour drive to the beach so when we got there, every one in the car was excited to get into the water. The ocean was beautiful and the water was warm. But I got sunburnt. My first day there and I got burnt terribly. And there is nothing worse then having to worry about a sunburn for your whole trip.
Friday we went to see the volcano and that was cool. The smoke was up and smelled like sulfer. There was a small lake at the bottom. Why we were there the smoke covered the whole volcano and you couldn't see anything.

Another thing we saw was 'La Paze".
Four waterfalls, aviary with the coolest parrots, butterfly house, fabulous lunch. The water falls were the best, even though the hike down to see them was painful. But you could hike right up to the falls and I got tons of pictures of me standing next to them. That place was so much fun.

Sunday we all went to church to see my neice get her baby blessing and then went home. Since it was sunday we didn't go anywhere. But it was nice to hang out with everyone at home and just be a family. But we did watch a movie together. "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" Hazaah! Oh, but we did get to go in a helicopter ride over Costa Rica. I'm still kicking myself for not having my camera that day. The view was pretty.
Monday, we went to Taru Ba Ri and did zip lines over the rainforest roof. I was scared out of my mind to do it. But I'm glad I went. That was the funnest thing I did the whole trip. I have to get the pictures from my sisters of me doing that. It was so much fun. And it rained that day and the rainforest is so pretty when it rains.
Tuesday, we went to a place in San Jose and got suvineers, I got a tea shirt and a butterfly in glass. (which broke when I got home. So sad.). Then we went to another set of waterfalls, but these ones we got to swim in. Right in the falls. The water was freezing but that was so much fun and being that close to the falls was so cool. I wish I got pictures of that too.

Then Wensday it was off to the airport early in the morning for another five hour flight home. Best to say I had a fantasic time, and I have my first stamp in my passport. Next destination as soon as I can arrange it. If I can arrange it, is Ireland. Wish me luck.