Tuesday, June 24, 2008

At Least Things Are Always Interesting.

My family is very odd and we can be really random. With a younger brother who is completely random. You kind of get used to his odd antics around the house during the day. But you also learn to throw a questionable look in his direction.

Such things as bursting into random songs that he makes up out of other tunes. Dancing across the room in odd moves. Breaking out in weird facial expressions and sounds. It would be cute, if he was still five.

But mostly my older brother and I just spend our day making fun of him and his overly big ego. And his odd sayings when he's trying to be clever.

But as I've gotten older and my siblings have all moved out I've been able to spend more time with my Mom. And there have been plenty of times when I've been able to just sit down and talk to her about anything and everything. And I've learned quite a lot that I didn't now before.

Well, recently we were watching T.V. and and add for a movie about assassins came on. And my Mom, (Got to love her and her random thoughts). She started talking about how if she didn't have any morals, and she was a completely different person. How she would love to be and have a job like an assassin. And how intriguing it would be to try and kill and get to someone in a high place.

Of course that's kind of disturbing coming from your mother, which I quickly vocalized. Of course we both laughed and then she said she could never do that of course. Because you would have to be able to have no qualms about killing someone. And of course she has morals. I LOVE MY MOM!

Anyway my family is never boring. We always have fun, sure we get on each others nerves some times, but we have a lot of fun together too.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Butt of a Family !

All right to be perfectly honest my family isn't entirely a Butt. They just can be at times. Most of the time I love my family to death. Seriously they are the greatest. But other times they are really annoying and a pain in the rear end. (But what family isn't?)

I come from a large family, got to LOVE the large families. Eleven siblings, I'm near the bottom of the food chain, or as my family likes to call it. I'm at the bottom of the pecking order. (Not that I really believe in the pecking order of things. Which is why I fight back.)

My family is very loud, very opinionated, and very much up in each others faces all of the time. I avoid debates with my family at all costs unless its something I'm very much interested in. We are sarcastic, which doesn't mix well in debates. And some times we are not to keen on listening to other people's opinions. (For the family who might be reading this, don't deny it! It's totally true.)

Examples of the Butt end of the family:

Every so often I like to change the background on the computer, just to shake things up a bit. I was looking for National Geographic pictures, (Because they are pretty!) And well, I found this story about a little girl who was born with a parasitic twin and had eight limbs in India. And the story was about her and how every one considered her a goddess. And her journey to get the undeveloped twin removed. Really interesting story.

Well, I had never heard of it before. But apparently it was an older story from the beginning of the year. I thought it was interesting so I tried to bring it up to my parents. Well, my brother scoffed a tone with me that sounded like I was stupid because I hadn't known about it before and the story was old.

Geeze, sorry!

Example #2:

I also have siblings that constantly like to bring up the fact that I am jobless, again thank you, I know! A problem I am trying to remedy. I don't need all of you reminding me over and over again that I should get a job.

Example #3:

Siblings who come home for visits and then try to tell me how to live my life. Or siblings that still live at home and try to tell me how to live my life. Or tell me what to do. I have parents for this kind of thing. And they are enough of supervision. I love my two parents dearly. I don't need ten more. (Thank you to the one sibling who doesn't tell me what to do.)

I don't mind suggestions every once in a while. But it's when you guys start beating it into the ground that I can't stand it any longer.


Just don't tell me what to do, stop bothering me about a job, and stop taking my room when you come down to visit.

Anyway, that's my ranting for the night. And don't take any offense by anything that was said in here. Its really just that, ranting. I really do love my family, I love you all so much, but sometimes you guys just drive me crazy.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Twilight Update!

I just finished reading "New Moon" For the second time. Loved it even more the second time then I did the first. My sister in law had a friend with an extra copy, and wanted to get ride of it. So I have my own Copy now. I'm so stoked. Now to buy the first and third, along with the fourth when it comes out. Three cheers for "Breaking Dawn" WOOT!

So I've been following closely the updates for the movie coming out in 12/12/08. Couldn't be happier. Just six days after my birthday. Can we say Twilight Party? That is so my birthday movie this year. I don't care what it takes. I'm going opening day. ( Don't know if I could handle the crowd of girls that would be going to the midnight showing.) But then again December is a LONG ways away. And things could change before then. We'll just have to wait and see.

But anyway, MTV Movie Awards showed and exclusive finished clip of the movie. It's better to go straight to the source at http://moviesblog.mtv.com/?s=twilight . Just scroll down a bit, it's there.

But for those who are too lazy or just don't have the time. I thought I would make it easier for all of those 'Twilighters' out there to find the new exclusive first finished Scene: Enjoy!