This, is the latest google.com creation for their always changing logo. This is brilliant for a couple of reasons.
Number 1: It is a subtle tribute to some of the great comic characters of the time.
If you can't tell who they are, here the characters are as follows.
G: Batman
O: Fantastic four (I think)
O: Wonder Woman
G: Fantastic four again (I think)
L: The green flash
E: Part of the first o and the g.
Number 2: It is there ONLY because this week end happens to be Comic-Con in San Diego California. (Where one of my good friends happens to be right now. She goes every year.)
And Number 3: It proves once and for all the people working for google.com especially the people who create the logo are in fact, complete nerds. Which is brilliant.
Sorry, saw it, loved it, had to share it.
LOL, Brilliant!