Sunday, June 1, 2008

Twilight Update!

I just finished reading "New Moon" For the second time. Loved it even more the second time then I did the first. My sister in law had a friend with an extra copy, and wanted to get ride of it. So I have my own Copy now. I'm so stoked. Now to buy the first and third, along with the fourth when it comes out. Three cheers for "Breaking Dawn" WOOT!

So I've been following closely the updates for the movie coming out in 12/12/08. Couldn't be happier. Just six days after my birthday. Can we say Twilight Party? That is so my birthday movie this year. I don't care what it takes. I'm going opening day. ( Don't know if I could handle the crowd of girls that would be going to the midnight showing.) But then again December is a LONG ways away. And things could change before then. We'll just have to wait and see.

But anyway, MTV Movie Awards showed and exclusive finished clip of the movie. It's better to go straight to the source at . Just scroll down a bit, it's there.

But for those who are too lazy or just don't have the time. I thought I would make it easier for all of those 'Twilighters' out there to find the new exclusive first finished Scene: Enjoy!


Heidi Robinson said...

Go Dec. 12th! I am so excited. It's still a date for the $5 morning shows at AMC. I love you Edward.

Kat said...

I don't know that anyone is going to be reading this but I'm saying it anyway. I didn't know that the movie could be worse then the book, but it looks like it might be. I'll have to find people that won't be minding if I laugh the whole time when I go see it.