Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weekly Exercise & Out of the Blue Dates.

The first part in the title is of course 'Weekly Exercise,' which pretty much entitles three times a week for an hour at the local YMCA(Young Men's Christian Association.) I've wanted to get into shape for a while now. But I lacked the self motivation before now to really do anything about it. But now that I have a membership I force myself to go for an hour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And I spend thirty minutes on the elliptical and then thirty minutes on the bike. Eventually I'll work up to the weights and other activities. But now since I am still warming my body up to the whole work out thing it's just the two. And believe me, right now those two are enough. They kick my butt every day.

But as a great movie once stated.

"Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy...."

Now I don't necessarily feel happy. But I feel better, I feel good, I'm more tired, but I feel good.

This post is mostly for the second part of the title. 'Out of the Blue Dates.'

So there was this guy in high school. I totally liked him, don't know if he knew that or not, but everyone else in the school knew. But anyway. So he liked all these other girls, even liked one of my friends at the time. But we were really good friends in high school. We talked all the time and we joked around a lot too.

After a while he stopped talking to me and totally started ignoring me. Blew me off completely. He also graduated a year earlier then I did. So I hardly saw him. And after he blew me off I took it as a major jerk action on his part. So to make matters short, I haven't talked to him in about two and a half years. (Yeah, I guess you could say I'm still a little bitter about the whole thing.)

So a couple days ago I get a random phone call from him and he asks me if I want to go see the mid-night showing of the new Mummy movie coming out. I eventually told him that I would go.

Now I am totally confused. Is he seriously that daft? I know we were good friends in high school and all. But after two and a half years and after how he treated me when we stopped talking. So I totally feel awkward about the situation.

Now, I don't know if this is technically supposed to be a 'date' or anything. But he's driving and paying. And according to one of my friends that's a date. I don't know if I consider it a date. But because I know how awkward it is going to be. I'm dragging her and her boyfriend along. Sort of as a double date thing.
I hate awkward situations. So I'm hoping with her there it wont be entirely all that awkward. Besides it's a mid-night showing so we'll all be sort of out of it anyway. And it's a free movie.

So I don't really know what I am supposed to expect from this tomorrow night. But we'll just see how things go I guess.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

well first of all, I wanted to say way to go with the exercise thing. It's hard at the beginning, then it gets even harder, but if you stick it out it eventually gets-not necessarily easier but at least a little bit more enjoyable. Even if the enjoyment comes AFTER the workout is complete. :)
Second, wow. That is definitely an awkward situation. I wouldn't have told him yes. But now that you have a date with him, I'd say just don't have any expectations and just relax and have fun. Don't worry too much about it all. :)