Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Turning Around.

Things are finally falling into place for me. Or at least looking up for now I am content with where my life is going.

We've moved into a house my sister owns. It's still in a work in progress. In other words we've moved into it but the repairs we were doing on it are still in transition mode. It's slowly coming together. At least my room is done with the exception of the closet base boards and the lack of blinds and a bedroom door. The sheet is just not cutting it. I should really see about getting my door.

I love my room, it's entirely green with wood floors. A little crowded because my last room was so much bigger. But it's amazing how the room can have an entirely different feel when there is carpet or wood floors. I love the feel the room gets with wood floors. Their not real wood but close enough.

I'm heading to California at the end of the week. To spend about a week or so with my sister and see her kids. Something I'm really excited for. I miss my neices and nephews. My nephew has just turned ten, the kids a freakn genious and he's ten. I'm only ten years older then him. It's a little strange but I love the kid to death. Not to mention going to California for the week gets me out of the house for a while and out of the Arizona weather into something that's more natural for this time of year.

The holidays are just around the corner, always something to make me cheer. I'm really excited to decorate the house for the holidays. I'm in charge of it because my sisters have all moved out. Ha ha! I'm working on getting my cousin down for thanksgiving so I can see her again before she leaves on her mission. She's the only cousin I have who is really close to my age. So I want to see her again before she leaves and I can't see her for a year and a half. So we are collaberating to get her down here for thanksgiving. (Can she come down with you Kat?)

I'm getting along really well with my family, still need that bedroom door though sometimes. I can't wait to see them all for the holidays.

I'm still enjoying my writing class. I need to work on homework and send my assingment in before I leave.

Several of my favorite t.v series have started back up. I pretty much have a show every day of the week that I just have to watch. Except Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Pushing Daisies - which starts back up tonight. So excited


The office
Ghost Hunters

- Both I watch online because Ghost Hunters comes on Sci-fi and I don't have cable at my house. And the office because it comes on the same time as Supernatural so I just watch it online the day after.

Those are pretty much my line up for the week. And to think I made fun of a friend for having a week line up.

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