Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Birthday Bash: 21 Style!

Date: December, 6th, 2008

So my birthday was this month, it's just that I've been so busy that I really haven't had the time to blog about it yet.

But so the night before I spent the night at a dinner to raise money for the Anasazi Foundation. I didn't get home tell about 11:30 at night. So safe to say that I was rather tired. I had to sleep out in the front room because my family was in town and my room was being used. My family all stayed up and talked and I was crabby. They stayed up tell after midnight. So technically it was my birthday. And I snapped at them all to shut up so that I could go to sleep. My family being the hams they are, all came over and sang happy birthday to me in the middle of the night. But because I was tired, I wasn't ammused. Looking back I realize how funny it was.

So I woke up and had a fairly nice day. I didn't have to do anything but relax and sit around. My family made jokes about really being considered an adult now. And told me not to get sloshed. I went shopping with my mom and got a new comforter set for my birthday. We had pizza for dinner.

But that night I went to a concert that the Anasazi Foundation was holding to raise money like the dinner before. First of all the Anasazi Foundation is a wilderness program used to help families with trouble teens and young adults. For more information go to Anasazi.org.

So but the concert was so much fun. That was technically my first concert and it was Gin Blossoms. So much fun, I jumped, I yelled, I sang along. I ran into three friends who I haven't seen since High School. It was great.

I didn't get home tell about three or three thirty.

But when I got home we had cheesecake and ice cream. And then I climbed into bed happy. A few days later my sister and brother in law got me a six pack of cream soda. Hardy har har, they think they are so funny. But it was really cool.

Now I have a cousin who had a birthday twenty days after mine and I called her to wish her a happy birthday. I asked her if she felt any different now that she was twenty one. She told me no.

Now I did and do fill different. Maybe it has something to do that I have several brothers and sisters who helped make it a big deal so I feel different. She's the oldest in her family.

But after my birthday I felt different. I feel more determined to get things together like getting my GED, getting a job and doing something that I wanted to do like travel. Help out more around the house, and I feel older and more responsible. Somehow my goals feel more important, and I want to get them achieved.

It is a really powerful feeling now with the new year coming on. Everything just feels good and right. Everything is right were it needs to be right now.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Twilight: The Movie ( A Review)

DATE: NOVEMBER, 21, 2008



First I need to backtrack a bit to the night before. About 5:30, my sister calls me on my cell phone to see if I was in line for the midnight showing. I quickly told her "I'm not that insane."

I wanted to see the movie, but I wasn't crazy enough to brave the crowds of the overly happy preppy girls who would be in line and screaming Edwards name during the movie. Which I know happened from hearing stories from other people who actually went to the midnight showing.

But I started calling around trying to find someone to go with me to the movie on opening day. Well, I couldn't find anyone to go. My friend didn't want to see it period. My sister didn't like the book so she didn't want to go see it anyway. Although I asked her just for the heck of it. My brother was willing to go see it with me if I waited until the following monday. He didn't want to, but he was willing to because he's the best.

But anyway, my sister felt bad that I couldn't find someone to go with, and both she and my brother said that I shouldn't have to go alone. But I didn't want to make them go if they didn't want to.

So, I ended up going by myself. Which I actually enjoyed. I'm going to go see movies by myself more often. It was pleasant sitting there by myself.

So, anyhoo.


First of all, I went with EXTREMELY LOW expectations. It's a movie based off a fluff book. I knew it wasn't going to be fantastic. But considering what they had to work with I thought they pulled it off fairly well.

Bella: Did and didn't work for me. First of all she came off as slightly cold in the movie. At least in the book you have her internal thoughts and you know she really cares. In the movie she comes off slightly indifferent to everything everyone does for her as if she doesn't care.

Edward: Came off slightly whinny. His half smile worked, and the first scene where you see him is a nice touch. So he was ok. The sparkling in the sunlight made me laugh. It just did not work for me. It looked a little cartoonish and dumb. I caught myself snickering.

Billy: Was great, very perfect for his role.

Jacob: Was ok as well. He has a cute smile. Which I also found amusing that Jacob had a more dazzaling smile then Edward.

Charlie: Was Good. All this scenes where he's being protective of Bella are great and they made me laugh.

Victoria: Was Good. She was very scary especially the end scene where she walks away from the prom.

James and Laurent: Did NOT work for me. I wasn't convinced with either one.

Bella's Friends: Were all amusing. I loved them all. Great stuff.

The Cullens: I loved them all. Alice might take time to grow on me, but I loved the others. Rosalie was good, so was Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme. Jasper might have to grow on me too.

But I enjoyed the movie, the scenery was beautiful. The soundtrack was neat and I'll want to own it for a few songs on there.

I'm excited for 'NEW MOON' next, and I can't wait to see what they do under a new director.

The movie was ok, it's a good fluff movie as it was a good fluff book. But there are things they could have done better. Like the sparkling in the sunlight and some of the portrays of the characters. Like Bella and showing more of her reactions to things like in the book. But other then that I liked the movie.

OI, STEPHENIE! Let's Turn "THE HOST" into a movie Next!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You!

Twilight the Movie Review:

Where I will tell about my oppinions on the movie when I went to go see it opening day. The ups the downs, things they could have done better, or worse on. That coming soon.

Birthday Bash, 21 Style:

A guide to what happened on my birthday on Dec 6th. And my views on being Twenty One.

The Joys of Christmas:

A cover of my week of Christmas with the family and my holiday.

And much much more! Check back for those listings and other upcoming posts.