If not doomed already! This is my life, it's crazy but totally and 100% completely me. But every once in a while you just need a place to vent.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Birthday Bash: 21 Style!
So my birthday was this month, it's just that I've been so busy that I really haven't had the time to blog about it yet.
But so the night before I spent the night at a dinner to raise money for the Anasazi Foundation. I didn't get home tell about 11:30 at night. So safe to say that I was rather tired. I had to sleep out in the front room because my family was in town and my room was being used. My family all stayed up and talked and I was crabby. They stayed up tell after midnight. So technically it was my birthday. And I snapped at them all to shut up so that I could go to sleep. My family being the hams they are, all came over and sang happy birthday to me in the middle of the night. But because I was tired, I wasn't ammused. Looking back I realize how funny it was.
So I woke up and had a fairly nice day. I didn't have to do anything but relax and sit around. My family made jokes about really being considered an adult now. And told me not to get sloshed. I went shopping with my mom and got a new comforter set for my birthday. We had pizza for dinner.
But that night I went to a concert that the Anasazi Foundation was holding to raise money like the dinner before. First of all the Anasazi Foundation is a wilderness program used to help families with trouble teens and young adults. For more information go to Anasazi.org.
So but the concert was so much fun. That was technically my first concert and it was Gin Blossoms. So much fun, I jumped, I yelled, I sang along. I ran into three friends who I haven't seen since High School. It was great.
I didn't get home tell about three or three thirty.
But when I got home we had cheesecake and ice cream. And then I climbed into bed happy. A few days later my sister and brother in law got me a six pack of cream soda. Hardy har har, they think they are so funny. But it was really cool.
Now I have a cousin who had a birthday twenty days after mine and I called her to wish her a happy birthday. I asked her if she felt any different now that she was twenty one. She told me no.
Now I did and do fill different. Maybe it has something to do that I have several brothers and sisters who helped make it a big deal so I feel different. She's the oldest in her family.
But after my birthday I felt different. I feel more determined to get things together like getting my GED, getting a job and doing something that I wanted to do like travel. Help out more around the house, and I feel older and more responsible. Somehow my goals feel more important, and I want to get them achieved.
It is a really powerful feeling now with the new year coming on. Everything just feels good and right. Everything is right were it needs to be right now.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Twilight: The Movie ( A Review)
First I need to backtrack a bit to the night before. About 5:30, my sister calls me on my cell phone to see if I was in line for the midnight showing. I quickly told her "I'm not that insane."
I wanted to see the movie, but I wasn't crazy enough to brave the crowds of the overly happy preppy girls who would be in line and screaming Edwards name during the movie. Which I know happened from hearing stories from other people who actually went to the midnight showing.
But I started calling around trying to find someone to go with me to the movie on opening day. Well, I couldn't find anyone to go. My friend didn't want to see it period. My sister didn't like the book so she didn't want to go see it anyway. Although I asked her just for the heck of it. My brother was willing to go see it with me if I waited until the following monday. He didn't want to, but he was willing to because he's the best.
But anyway, my sister felt bad that I couldn't find someone to go with, and both she and my brother said that I shouldn't have to go alone. But I didn't want to make them go if they didn't want to.
So, I ended up going by myself. Which I actually enjoyed. I'm going to go see movies by myself more often. It was pleasant sitting there by myself.
So, anyhoo.
First of all, I went with EXTREMELY LOW expectations. It's a movie based off a fluff book. I knew it wasn't going to be fantastic. But considering what they had to work with I thought they pulled it off fairly well.
Bella: Did and didn't work for me. First of all she came off as slightly cold in the movie. At least in the book you have her internal thoughts and you know she really cares. In the movie she comes off slightly indifferent to everything everyone does for her as if she doesn't care.
Edward: Came off slightly whinny. His half smile worked, and the first scene where you see him is a nice touch. So he was ok. The sparkling in the sunlight made me laugh. It just did not work for me. It looked a little cartoonish and dumb. I caught myself snickering.
Billy: Was great, very perfect for his role.
Jacob: Was ok as well. He has a cute smile. Which I also found amusing that Jacob had a more dazzaling smile then Edward.
Charlie: Was Good. All this scenes where he's being protective of Bella are great and they made me laugh.
Victoria: Was Good. She was very scary especially the end scene where she walks away from the prom.
James and Laurent: Did NOT work for me. I wasn't convinced with either one.
Bella's Friends: Were all amusing. I loved them all. Great stuff.
The Cullens: I loved them all. Alice might take time to grow on me, but I loved the others. Rosalie was good, so was Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme. Jasper might have to grow on me too.
But I enjoyed the movie, the scenery was beautiful. The soundtrack was neat and I'll want to own it for a few songs on there.
I'm excited for 'NEW MOON' next, and I can't wait to see what they do under a new director.
The movie was ok, it's a good fluff movie as it was a good fluff book. But there are things they could have done better. Like the sparkling in the sunlight and some of the portrays of the characters. Like Bella and showing more of her reactions to things like in the book. But other then that I liked the movie.
OI, STEPHENIE! Let's Turn "THE HOST" into a movie Next!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Coming Soon to a Blog Near You!
Where I will tell about my oppinions on the movie when I went to go see it opening day. The ups the downs, things they could have done better, or worse on. That coming soon.
Birthday Bash, 21 Style:
A guide to what happened on my birthday on Dec 6th. And my views on being Twenty One.
The Joys of Christmas:
A cover of my week of Christmas with the family and my holiday.
And much much more! Check back for those listings and other upcoming posts.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bring On The Holidays!
Halloween of course was in October and Christmas is just around the corner following after my birthday next week. Where I will have a detailed post of my entire birthday experiance as I turn 21.
But anyway, Thanksgiving.
If you haven't notice I have christmas music playing on my blog. Despite what my other siblings say on the matter. Christmas music is completely viable November 1st. That's when you are allowed to start listening to it, no sooner, give Halloween it's moment to breath.
So I start planning for Christmas in November. There are no Thanksgiving songs or music so Christmas music becomes part of the package now. (Although I was out voted on putting up Christmas decorations early). I can understand that if we still live in a state that actually had an Autumn. But we don't, we live in Arizona. There are only four seasons here. Chilly, slightly colder, hot, and then the inferno.
We don't get Autumn or winter. So anything that helps me get into the Christmas spirit because of lack of snow I'm going to take. And Music is the only way that I can do that. So I'm going to do that.
On a better note I get to decorate for Christmas this week-end after Thanksgiving, and tomorrow I get to spend all day helping my mom cook. YAY! Also I'll be watching 'A Christmas Story' it's a tradition my brother started so I watch it every year on Thanksgiving. OH, and there is the Thanksgiving day parade. We tend to watch only parts of it. But it's part of the package.
The holidays are great, I'm excited and the family is in town. The next few weeks leading up to Christmas are going to be fun. BOO-YEAH!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oktoberfest (Not to be confused with the actual festival.)
October was a lot of fun this year. Not only does it have Halloween and herolds in the holiday season. But I also got to go hang out in California for about a week and hang out with my sister and my nephews and niece. It's always fun to see them. The weather is cooler there, and we went and did some pretty fun things. We went to a pumpkin patch and got pumpkins with my niece.
But after spending a week with them it was time to return home. After which I spent the reminder of my month getting ready for Halloween and the rest of the holidays.
I went and got a pumpkin, the only person to carve one at home this year. AFter I carved mine my mom wanted to carve more. But I wasn't willing to carve another one like she wanted to. But while I was carving my pumpkin I watched 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. Well, listened to, would be more accurate. You can't really watch a movie when you are focused on carving a pumpkin.
So on Halloween I was a fairy, bright fairy wings, curly hair and glitter. Which of course got glitter everywhere. I spent the next day cleaning the house and getting rid of all the glitter. SO much glitter!
But Halloween was fun. We passed out Halloween candy to all the trick o treaters. So cute when they are little! And I hung out and played games with my friends and ate candy. And we watched scary movies until after midnight as a family. It was fun.
I love the holidays.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Turning Around.
We've moved into a house my sister owns. It's still in a work in progress. In other words we've moved into it but the repairs we were doing on it are still in transition mode. It's slowly coming together. At least my room is done with the exception of the closet base boards and the lack of blinds and a bedroom door. The sheet is just not cutting it. I should really see about getting my door.
I love my room, it's entirely green with wood floors. A little crowded because my last room was so much bigger. But it's amazing how the room can have an entirely different feel when there is carpet or wood floors. I love the feel the room gets with wood floors. Their not real wood but close enough.
I'm heading to California at the end of the week. To spend about a week or so with my sister and see her kids. Something I'm really excited for. I miss my neices and nephews. My nephew has just turned ten, the kids a freakn genious and he's ten. I'm only ten years older then him. It's a little strange but I love the kid to death. Not to mention going to California for the week gets me out of the house for a while and out of the Arizona weather into something that's more natural for this time of year.
The holidays are just around the corner, always something to make me cheer. I'm really excited to decorate the house for the holidays. I'm in charge of it because my sisters have all moved out. Ha ha! I'm working on getting my cousin down for thanksgiving so I can see her again before she leaves on her mission. She's the only cousin I have who is really close to my age. So I want to see her again before she leaves and I can't see her for a year and a half. So we are collaberating to get her down here for thanksgiving. (Can she come down with you Kat?)
I'm getting along really well with my family, still need that bedroom door though sometimes. I can't wait to see them all for the holidays.
I'm still enjoying my writing class. I need to work on homework and send my assingment in before I leave.
Several of my favorite t.v series have started back up. I pretty much have a show every day of the week that I just have to watch. Except Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Pushing Daisies - which starts back up tonight. So excited
The office
Ghost Hunters
- Both I watch online because Ghost Hunters comes on Sci-fi and I don't have cable at my house. And the office because it comes on the same time as Supernatural so I just watch it online the day after.
Those are pretty much my line up for the week. And to think I made fun of a friend for having a week line up.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
King Tut..... Silly Tut.
He's always doing silly and somewhat random things around the house. Usually when we are the only ones home. He dances or leaps across the room. Pulls strange facial expressions and makes random noises. And usually I just start at him strangely and just shake my head and laugh.
But I don't think I've laughed harder then I did a night ago. I was on the computer and he suddenly walked into the room. Walking in the Egyptian style walk. Singing "King Tut... Silly Tut....King Tut...Silly Tut!"
Of course like before I just stared at him and laughed. But I just kept laughing and laughing. I started to cry I was laughing so hard. He sat down on the couch and then said. "King tut, silly tut. Born in California, raised in Arizona...... Did you know that? That he wasn't born Egypt, yeah right."
Of course I'm just laughing even harder at this point. Looking at my like I was the crazy one. "What's so funny?"
I proceeded to tell him that I don't think I've laughed so hard in a while. It's been a long time since I've laughed so hard that I've cried.
I love my younger brother. Even despite his moments where he is a pain in the butt.
(Just don't tell him I said that.)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Family Bonding Time:
My sister Susan, who comes over to still do laundry and comes over for Sunday dinner.
My brother Isaac, who comes over for Sunday Dinner and to drop off his baby boy for us to baby sit.
And occasionally my other eight siblings who come to visit from out of town. On top of extended family and family friends who stop by.
The first person to come through was my sister Kim with her husband and little girl before they moved out to Virgina. It was fun to see them especially since they used to live in Costa Rica and I never got to see them anyway. I love getting the chance to play with my nieces and nephews when they come through. So seeing Ella was fun.
A few weeks later my sister Amy, her husband, and their twins came down to help my family. We are working to move into a new house that we are fixing up. So they came down to help. Of course I stayed and helped with babies all week. They've started crawling now so that was fun. They're talkative with their baby sounds and super cuddly. Especially my nephew when mom wasn't around. You just give him a binky, give him his blanket to cuddle and then rock with him. And he cuddles in, super sweet. Her little girl has the cutest head of curly dark hair and is just as sweet. Doesn't like to go to bed but still the sweetest thing ever.
I just can't wait tell Christmas when all of my siblings will be here and I can see all of my nieces and nephews in one go. Now that will be fun.
As much as I love my family. I'm glad for a little down time, ( and the chance to sleep in my own bed again). The house is quiet, clean and relaxing now. And this week I get to start having the house to myself again. What with parents working and brothers in school for the day. It will be really nice for a while.
Other family bonding in my house revolved around sarcastic comments and teasing each other. Got to Love It! Any way, we also watch movies, like today. Of course a short movie turns into a longer discussion. Of pausing it every once in a while to discuss. We were watching 'Pride and Prejudice' with Keira Knightly. Comparing it to the other versions, the book, and pausing it to talk about the life style back in that time. Phone calls from close cousins who I hardly talk to anymore. Is more then enough to keep family's close.
I enjoy my family. I get along with them fairly well. And I can't wait for the holidays. See you all at Christmas!
Friday, August 15, 2008
2008 Summer Olympics
I missed the opening ceremony in Beijing sadly. Most of the cool stuff I missed anyway. I did watch part of the parade of the countries. One of the most boring parts of the opening ceremony. Apparently I missed the drummers and that was the best part. I'll have to go find it online or something.
Anyway, so we only tend to watch some of the events. Some are far to boring to watch. But some of the ones we do watch tend to be; swimming, diving (which I missed this year, dang it) and gymnastics.
First of all, Swimming: Michael Phelps is this years 'Golden Boy' six gold medals and twelve total in his Olympic career. It's been fun to watch him this year. The announcers were talking about the perfect swimmer and they were using Michael Phelps as a model. Talking about his proportions. Height: 6' 4", arm span: 6' 7", foot size: 14, hands like paddles, double jointed elbows and knees, and a flat backside.
So as long as you have no butt you are ok. It just sounds funny to me. But seriously, swimming is fun and their shoulders are seriously huge.
Second Gymnastics: I missed the mens this year, so sad! But apparently the American's didn't cut it this year. But then again that's not the real reason we watch the mens Olympics now is it?
(Freakn air conditioning is broken again, it's so hot in the house right now. Grr!)
Anyway, womens gymnastics. Now I love watching womens gymnastics and those girls are seriously amazing at what they can do. And the uneven bars has got to be the closet thing to flying without an airplane.
But watching gymnastics can be somewhat frustrating. And the judges are slightly retarded. So both China and USA were amazing. But even the announcers were confused on how the USA girls were getting some low scores. And then how the Chinese girls would make more mistakes and still get high scores. Something just isn't right about that.
But in the end the American girls won the gold and silver. Good for them, they did some amazing balance beam and floor routines. Simply beautiful.
I had a drama teacher in high school who used to teach gymnastics, great guy still one of my heroes. Anyway, so he told my brothers class that although he taught girls gymnastics. He would never have sent them to the Olympics. Because the politics on judging is just terrible. The thing is if you have a couch that the judges just do not like, or something... It won't matter how good you do. Apparently you'll still score low. And he said the pressure is just to horrible for the girls to be perfect and skinny and beautiful. So he would never have sent them to the Olympics. And apparently an Olympic gold medalist when asked if she would ever put her daughter in gymnastics said 'no'.
Which reminds me, Although I like watching the event. I cannot believe the pressure they put these girls under. To be perfect and all that. My family was laughing while we watched the final of the womens gymnastics. The girl who one gold, Nastia Liukin. Her dad was an Olympic gold winner. And this is what he told his daughter. "Second place is the worst place that can happen to an athlete. Because only one color is for this family, Gold!"
What?! Are you kidding me! This girl is the world champion, she made it to the OLYMPICS. But apparently that isn't good enough. I mean it's good for her that she won. But now she's expected to win nothing but Gold. Makes you seriously wonder what would have happened if she won silver.
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it's wrong to put that kind of pressure on your kid. I seriously did not see her smile the entire time until after she was done with her floor routine and done with the event completely. And then she smiled. Seriously, seriously messed up!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME)!
And The Lord's Prayer
Are not allowed in most
Public schools anymore
Because the word 'God' is mentioned... .
A fifteen year old kid in Arizona wrote this
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Weekly Exercise & Out of the Blue Dates.
But as a great movie once stated.
"Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy...."
Now I don't necessarily feel happy. But I feel better, I feel good, I'm more tired, but I feel good.
This post is mostly for the second part of the title. 'Out of the Blue Dates.'
So there was this guy in high school. I totally liked him, don't know if he knew that or not, but everyone else in the school knew. But anyway. So he liked all these other girls, even liked one of my friends at the time. But we were really good friends in high school. We talked all the time and we joked around a lot too.
After a while he stopped talking to me and totally started ignoring me. Blew me off completely. He also graduated a year earlier then I did. So I hardly saw him. And after he blew me off I took it as a major jerk action on his part. So to make matters short, I haven't talked to him in about two and a half years. (Yeah, I guess you could say I'm still a little bitter about the whole thing.)
So a couple days ago I get a random phone call from him and he asks me if I want to go see the mid-night showing of the new Mummy movie coming out. I eventually told him that I would go.
Now I am totally confused. Is he seriously that daft? I know we were good friends in high school and all. But after two and a half years and after how he treated me when we stopped talking. So I totally feel awkward about the situation.
Now, I don't know if this is technically supposed to be a 'date' or anything. But he's driving and paying. And according to one of my friends that's a date. I don't know if I consider it a date. But because I know how awkward it is going to be. I'm dragging her and her boyfriend along. Sort of as a double date thing.
I hate awkward situations. So I'm hoping with her there it wont be entirely all that awkward. Besides it's a mid-night showing so we'll all be sort of out of it anyway. And it's a free movie.
So I don't really know what I am supposed to expect from this tomorrow night. But we'll just see how things go I guess.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Explination behind the Ghost Hunters Vid.
Do I really believe in ghosts and the paranormal? No, I don't really think so. But the show is kind of fun to watch. I'm very much like my mother in the fact that I like mysteries. And every 'case' they go on is like a mystery. Is the house haunted or is it all just normal things like loose floor boards or pipes banging against the wall? (I know I'm a geek right?)
But I think what really makes the show interesting is that unlike most Ghost Hunter groups. They go into these places to 'de-bunk' or 'disprove' a haunting. By trying to give them normal reasons like pipes banging or thin walls. And most of the time they say the house isn't haunted and it's all normal things.
But there is the occasional episode where they catch something on film or audio that they just can't explain otherwise. Like things moving on it's own when the only thing up there was the camera. Those clips are pretty cool to watch. Now I don't know if I believe in 'EVPs' or 'Electronic Voice Phenomenon' where they catch a voice on a voice recorder that wasn't heard by the human ear. But played back on the tape they can hear it. But as I said before I watch it because it's kind of fun.
The sense of the mystery gives me that sense of adrenaline rush and suspense. Which is also another reason why I like watching scary movies or this T.V show. It's just fun to be scared! (Family: No I am not giving you permission to try to scare me at every turn.)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
But to be honest there really isn't a purpose behind bringing up this word other then I'm in a thoughtful mood. Maybe it has something to do with the weather here in Arizona. It's hit monsoon season which brings in the storm clouds which blankets everything in a dull gray. With promising chances of rain later during the day. The water is nice, but mix it with the Arizona trade mark heat, and you get humidity. Fun all around. The rain is a nice change though.
And it's on days like this were I can stare out the window at the gloomy day and wonder if I'm happy with my lot in life? Or have I done everything that I should and am I living up to my 'purpose'? Only problem is, I'm not sure what my purpose really is at the moment. Not that I'm really expected to at twenty.
And I know I've messed up my life to where I'm struggling to fix it now in the future, I hate consequences. Like not taking the proper course with school and now struggling to get a GED because I didn't graduate. Hence the jobless bit of my life right now.
Another thing I am struggling with is deciding what to do with my life now that I have almost free reign over it (just need that GED). Which direction do I want to go other then up and out? I'm still deciding.
Thank heavens my family, especially my parents, are very supportive. And willing to back me up with whatever I do. So I count my blessings every day.
One of my possibilities that I can do with my life of course is Massage Therapy school, followed by physical therapy. Which I still might do in the future. Again, the only thing stopping me there is my GED. Working more toward it every day.
Another thing I can do is writing. I'm currently taking a writing course through the mail that I found online. I'm enjoying every assignment. I love writing which is why I do it. It allows me to express myself, my emotions, my thoughts and expressions on curtain subjects. Which is one of the many reasons I started a blog. I'll share with you all one thing that I learned about writing from my course. "Write for yourself." It doesn't matter what audience you are writing for. If you do not enjoy your own writing and the subject you are writing about. Then your reader's wont like it either. Yes you must write for the audience, but your first concern is writing for you.
Well, I've run out of things to say this time around. But I might be creating a second blog that is all dedicated to things that I have written for my course or things I have written for school. But I'm still thinking about it.
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Hopeless Romantic. (Contains Swear)
For a long time, I went strong. I had found nothing to support my cousin's claim. I don't really enjoy make-up, or nail polish, or spending hours in the bathroom getting ready. Action, horror/suspense, Comedy, and the occasional chick-flick are movies that I like.
But, the more I thought about it over that time. The more I started to realize curtain things. Things that made me realize something about my self that I didn't want to admit too. 'Holy Crap I'm a Romantic. Damn It!'
Though I have to admit it's not really that surprising. When I spend most of my time studying or daydreaming about the medieval era that is a time of Knightly Chivalry. And Ireland, Scotland and England in Celtic Mythology. That whole time frame is swarming with easily reachable Romantic fantasy. How could I not be a Romantic?
I had the chance to go see a production of 'Romeo and Juliet' while I was in my last year of High School. Now that is almost the top of the romantic stories. Now I love Shakespeare. There isn't a Shakespearian play yet that I have seen that I haven't liked. And I've seen quite a few. Well this was a first for 'Romeo and Juliet'. Now before I always thought the play was a little silly. I thought the story behind it was a little lame and cheesy. But then I saw it, and of course I loved it. And of course it can get sappy, but I loved it.
I love stories about love that defies against the odds. Which is why I love 'Twilight'. Which is why I'll most likely read 'Weathering Heights' as my next read. I enjoy romantic parts in stories. And I don't mean sexually. I mean grow old together, flowers, special evenings, L-O-V-E.
Of course this has all got me thinking about how maybe this is all from some sad result by the fact that I have never had a boyfriend and therefore no one to treat me like that. And I want it. And I keep hearing about all the romantic, sweet things that my friends or cousins boyfriends have done for them and of course I get a little envious. I want that. I want someone to sweep me off my feet and surprise me with flowers or take me dancing (although I'm no good at it).
I am a Hopeless Romantic!
And I'm sure my cousin will be pleased that I have to admit it. Especially after I denied it for so long. But there you have it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
If you've ever 'Thanked Someone From the Bottom of Your Heart',
If you've ever been left 'High and Dry';
If you ever took a test that you thought was 'A Piece of Cake';
If you've ever refused to 'Budge and Inch';
If you've ever been 'Tongue Tied'; 'A Tower of Strength', 'Hoodwinked' or 'In a Pickle';
If you've ever 'Knitted Your Brow', made 'A Virtue of Necessity', insisted on 'Fair-play', 'Slept Not One Wink', 'Stood on Ceremony', 'Laughed Yourself to Stitches', had 'Short Shift', 'Cold Comfort' or 'Too Much of a Good Thing'.
If you've ever 'Cleared out Bag and Baggage' because you thought it was 'High Time' and that is 'The Long and Short of it'.
If you've ever believed 'The Game is Up' and if it involves 'Your Own Flesh and Blood'.
If you ever 'Lie Low' til 'The Crack of Dawn' through 'Thick and Thin' because you 'Suspect Foul Play'.
If you've ever had 'Your Teeth set on Edge', 'With One Fell Swoop', without 'Rhyme or Reason'.
And finally, if you 'Bid Me Good Riddance' and 'Send me Packing'.
If you wish I was 'Dead as a Doornail', if you think I'm 'An Eyesore', 'A Laughing Stock', a 'Stone-Hearted villain', 'Bloody Minded' or 'A Blithering Idiot'.
Well then 'By Jove', 'Oh Lord', 'Tut Tut', 'For Goodness Sake', and my personal favorite, 'What the Dickens?'
It is 'All One to Me' even if it's 'Greek to you' for you are QUOTING SHAKESPREARE!
It Might Be True! Think About It.
These are interesting....
Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good in June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of 'carrying a bouquet when getting married'.
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, 'Don't throw the baby out with the bath water'.
Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (Mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying. 'It's raining cats and dogs'.
There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how, 'canopy beds came into existence'.
The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other then dirt. That's where we get the saying, 'Dirt Poor'. The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance way to keep the thresh inside. Hence the saying, 'Thresh Hold'.
(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)
In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. That's where we get the rhyme, 'Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old'.
Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could 'bring home the bacon'. They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and, 'chew the fat'.
Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.
Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or, 'The upper crust'.
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of, 'Holding a wake'.
England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 5 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a sting on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night, or, 'The graveyard shift'. To listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, 'Saved by the bell' or was considered, 'A dead ringer'.
And that's the truth... Now, who ever said History was boring!!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Messed Up, But So Funny!
Here is what some people sent in:
" My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife;
Marrying you screwed up my life."
"I see your face when I am dreaming,
That's why I always wake up screaming."
" Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;
This describes every thing you are not."
"Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,
But I only slept with you because I was pissed."
"I thought that I could love no other,
that is, until I met your brother."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you ~
but the roses are wilting, the violets are dead,
the sugar bowl is empty and so is your head."
"I want to feel your sweet embrace,
but don't take that paper bag off your face."
"I love your smile, your face, and your eyes.
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!"
"My love, you take my breath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?"
"My feelings for you no words can tell,
except for maybe, 'Go to hell.' "
"What inspired this amorous rhyme?
two parts vodka, one part lime."
Think these are funny? Think you can do better? Feel free to add your own submissions in the comment box. And I'll add the ones I like here.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Going Up.
No, what is going up is the Weather.
Now I love Arizona. I was born in Utah, moved to Arizona when I was eleven. And then grew up here. Arizona is great, at first I hated it, the weather was horrible it was brown and lets face it I miss the mountains and hills. But Arizona has grown on me and I love it.
Of course there is one thing that has problems. Arizona has crazy unnatural weather. In the winter there is no snow, in the autumn there is no colors on the leaves, (There's not leaves.) And the summer is just insane.
Well, Arizona has hit summer here. And that means the heat waves come rolling in. Three digits or more, reaching temperatures of 112 or higher for the past two weeks. And when all your family cars have no air conditioning, you don't want to go anywhere. And every one becomes a hermit in their own houses.
I'll I have to say is thank heavens for relatives who live across the street and has a pool.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
At Least Things Are Always Interesting.
Such things as bursting into random songs that he makes up out of other tunes. Dancing across the room in odd moves. Breaking out in weird facial expressions and sounds. It would be cute, if he was still five.
But mostly my older brother and I just spend our day making fun of him and his overly big ego. And his odd sayings when he's trying to be clever.
But as I've gotten older and my siblings have all moved out I've been able to spend more time with my Mom. And there have been plenty of times when I've been able to just sit down and talk to her about anything and everything. And I've learned quite a lot that I didn't now before.
Well, recently we were watching T.V. and and add for a movie about assassins came on. And my Mom, (Got to love her and her random thoughts). She started talking about how if she didn't have any morals, and she was a completely different person. How she would love to be and have a job like an assassin. And how intriguing it would be to try and kill and get to someone in a high place.
Of course that's kind of disturbing coming from your mother, which I quickly vocalized. Of course we both laughed and then she said she could never do that of course. Because you would have to be able to have no qualms about killing someone. And of course she has morals. I LOVE MY MOM!
Anyway my family is never boring. We always have fun, sure we get on each others nerves some times, but we have a lot of fun together too.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
My Butt of a Family !
I come from a large family, got to LOVE the large families. Eleven siblings, I'm near the bottom of the food chain, or as my family likes to call it. I'm at the bottom of the pecking order. (Not that I really believe in the pecking order of things. Which is why I fight back.)
My family is very loud, very opinionated, and very much up in each others faces all of the time. I avoid debates with my family at all costs unless its something I'm very much interested in. We are sarcastic, which doesn't mix well in debates. And some times we are not to keen on listening to other people's opinions. (For the family who might be reading this, don't deny it! It's totally true.)
Examples of the Butt end of the family:
Every so often I like to change the background on the computer, just to shake things up a bit. I was looking for National Geographic pictures, (Because they are pretty!) And well, I found this story about a little girl who was born with a parasitic twin and had eight limbs in India. And the story was about her and how every one considered her a goddess. And her journey to get the undeveloped twin removed. Really interesting story.
Well, I had never heard of it before. But apparently it was an older story from the beginning of the year. I thought it was interesting so I tried to bring it up to my parents. Well, my brother scoffed a tone with me that sounded like I was stupid because I hadn't known about it before and the story was old.
Geeze, sorry!
Example #2:
I also have siblings that constantly like to bring up the fact that I am jobless, again thank you, I know! A problem I am trying to remedy. I don't need all of you reminding me over and over again that I should get a job.
Example #3:
Siblings who come home for visits and then try to tell me how to live my life. Or siblings that still live at home and try to tell me how to live my life. Or tell me what to do. I have parents for this kind of thing. And they are enough of supervision. I love my two parents dearly. I don't need ten more. (Thank you to the one sibling who doesn't tell me what to do.)
I don't mind suggestions every once in a while. But it's when you guys start beating it into the ground that I can't stand it any longer.
Just don't tell me what to do, stop bothering me about a job, and stop taking my room when you come down to visit.
Anyway, that's my ranting for the night. And don't take any offense by anything that was said in here. Its really just that, ranting. I really do love my family, I love you all so much, but sometimes you guys just drive me crazy.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Twilight Update!
So I've been following closely the updates for the movie coming out in 12/12/08. Couldn't be happier. Just six days after my birthday. Can we say Twilight Party? That is so my birthday movie this year. I don't care what it takes. I'm going opening day. ( Don't know if I could handle the crowd of girls that would be going to the midnight showing.) But then again December is a LONG ways away. And things could change before then. We'll just have to wait and see.
But anyway, MTV Movie Awards showed and exclusive finished clip of the movie. It's better to go straight to the source at http://moviesblog.mtv.com/?s=twilight . Just scroll down a bit, it's there.
But for those who are too lazy or just don't have the time. I thought I would make it easier for all of those 'Twilighters' out there to find the new exclusive first finished Scene: Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Adventures Abroad.
Date of Trip: Mar. 26th - Apr. 2nd
So about a month ago my family and I went down to Costa Rica because one of my sisters wanted to get married down there. I also have a sister who lives down there right now, (my brother in law does real estate.) So we all stayed at their house which thankfully was large enough to house us all. We were down there for a week, and this is how my trip was.
First of all I have never been out of the U.S. before. But Wensday we had a five hour flight straight to Costa Rica. The movie wasn't that fantastic and I had a hard time paying attention to it. But lets say that after a long flight we got their late and I went straight to bed. It wasn't tell Thursday morning that it finally hit me that I was in a different country, we were driving the to beach and I couldn't help but look around at everything as we drove. But on the way we stopped at crocodile bridge.
It was a four hour drive to the beach so when we got there, every one in the car was excited to get into the water. The ocean was beautiful and the water was warm. But I got sunburnt. My first day there and I got burnt terribly. And there is nothing worse then having to worry about a sunburn for your whole trip.
Friday we went to see the volcano and that was cool. The smoke was up and smelled like sulfer. There was a small lake at the bottom. Why we were there the smoke covered the whole volcano and you couldn't see anything.

Another thing we saw was 'La Paze".
Four waterfalls, aviary with the coolest parrots, butterfly house, fabulous lunch. The water falls were the best, even though the hike down to see them was painful. But you could hike right up to the falls and I got tons of pictures of me standing next to them. That place was so much fun.

Sunday we all went to church to see my neice get her baby blessing and then went home. Since it was sunday we didn't go anywhere. But it was nice to hang out with everyone at home and just be a family. But we did watch a movie together. "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" Hazaah! Oh, but we did get to go in a helicopter ride over Costa Rica. I'm still kicking myself for not having my camera that day. The view was pretty.
Monday, we went to Taru Ba Ri and did zip lines over the rainforest roof. I was scared out of my mind to do it. But I'm glad I went. That was the funnest thing I did the whole trip. I have to get the pictures from my sisters of me doing that. It was so much fun. And it rained that day and the rainforest is so pretty when it rains.
Tuesday, we went to a place in San Jose and got suvineers, I got a tea shirt and a butterfly in glass. (which broke when I got home. So sad.). Then we went to another set of waterfalls, but these ones we got to swim in. Right in the falls. The water was freezing but that was so much fun and being that close to the falls was so cool. I wish I got pictures of that too.

Then Wensday it was off to the airport early in the morning for another five hour flight home. Best to say I had a fantasic time, and I have my first stamp in my passport. Next destination as soon as I can arrange it. If I can arrange it, is Ireland. Wish me luck.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Internal Alarm Clocks
Mine seems to be stuck around seven thirty or so in the morning no matter what I do. So if you are anything like me and you stay up late to the wee early hours of the morning. Then you can understand how waking up at seven thirty in the morning can be annoying.
Though there are those rare occasions when you can press the snooze button and go back to bed, but those are very, very rare.
So just to say, I hate having an internal alarm clock. I would rather sleep in and dream happy thoughts. Though I'm a morning person which is why I wake up early every morning. But I'm also a night owl so I also stay up late as well. So I'm getting ruffly five to six hours, eight if I am lucky.
And just to think that a few weeks ago I had a really nice sleeping schedule where I went to bed at about eleven thirty and then woke up at about eight or nine. Now those were the days. I'll have to work something out to get myself back on that schedule.
Fluctuating Interests
They seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere,
Is he in Heaven?
Or is he in Hell?
That Demmed, Elusive, Pimpernel."
The movie (only the Anthony Andrews Version will do), the books, and the musical are simply wonderful. And I'm sure that it will be pushed aside once I get my hands back on the second book of Twilight. But for now my full attention is on The Scarlet Pimpernel.
For those of you who have not yet experienced this wonderful tale, let me introduce you to it.
The Scarlet Pimpernel: Is set in the early stages of the French Revolution during the Reign of Terror where all the French aristocrats were being beheaded with the guillotine.
Marguerite St. Just, former French actress, is married to none other then Sir Percival (Percy) Blakeney, Baronet. The center example of London's fashion and one of the richest men in England. Only he's a complete fop, or at least to the eyes of London.
Citizen Chauvelin, of the new French republic, used to be Marguerite's lover before she married an Englishman and moved to England with Percy. He is upset and outraged that Marguerite would choose someone of Blakeney's personality, believing that he is a complete idiot and fop, over one of her own people, mostly himself.
Chauvelin has bigger things to worry about when news soon spreads all over France, and England, that some unknown group of men are rescuing French Aristocrats from the guillotine. And they all follow the leadership of one man known as the Scarlet Pimpernel. Which they figured out from the way he signs his orders with the sign of a small red flower which grows in England under that name. So the only thing they know about this man is that he is English and that he is terribly elusive of their traps to capture him and bring him to justice for freeing all those French aristocrats. For once the aristocrats are off French soil they are safe from death by the guillotine.
Before the marriage of Marguerite and Percy, Chauvelin learns of a plot of treason through Marguerite against a well known French aristocrat known as the Marquis de St. Cyr. As retaliation for Marguerite refusing him, he has her name put on the warrant as informer and has the Marquis de St. Cyr and his entire family sent to the guillotine. Leaving Marguerite to take the blame for their deaths.
Percy, really the Scarlet Pimpernel, and with the help of his followers, The Leauge, uses his foppish idiotic reputation in London as an identity to keep the public from believing that he is the Scarlet Pimpernel. No one as idotic as Percy Blakeney could be intelligent enough to come up with such ingenious plans to rescue all those people from France. So with the cover of being to daft to plan such escapades, Percy and his men continue to save the French aristocrats.
At their wedding, Percy falsely learns from an outside source that Marguerite was involved in the death of the St. Cyrs. And unsure if he can trust her anymore, he devises that he must in strange himself from her like he has with the rest of London. And he starts acting the idiot in public and in private. Distraught, Marguerite wonders what she has done to loose her husbands love and why he acts this way even when they are alone.
At some point Chauvelin learns that Marguerite's brother, Armand, is working for the Scarlet Pimpernel behind his back. And using that information, he black mails Marguerite into helping him discover the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Scared for her brothers life, Marguerite agrees. Unaware that the Scarlet Pimpernel is her husband Percy.
WELL, I will not ruin the rest of the story for you. I suggest you go read the book, watch the movie or listen the the music yourself. The story is wonderful and the music for the musical is even better. But the story is fantastic, the characters enchanting (especially Percy).
So when comparing book Hero's, Percy Blakeney is easily up there with Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice), Mr. Knightly (Emma), and Edward (Twilight).
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Can We Say Obsessed With 'Twilight'?
I am proud to say that I am one of those die hard "Twilight'ers". I simply love Twilight and the story involved. Edward and Bella are one of the more addictive romance couples that I love to read about. And I am dying to read the fourth installment Breaking Dawn.
So recently I re-read Twilight while I was in California at my sisters house. I thought I would re-read the books before the movie comes out in December. I still have to get my hands on the second book again. I was going to only read the first one again, but I seem to have forgotten how enticing those books really are.
It's amazing how even the second time reading it I still found myself breathless at some of the more intense scenes between Bella and Edward. Now only to get my cousin to read them as well.
I already have forever bragging rights on getting one of my friends addicted to Twilight.
To show you how entirely obsessed I am over this series of books. I have also been closely following the progress of the movie on Stephenie Meyers official website for the books. And I'm proud to say that I was worried when they announced a movie, but am no longer and I'm looking forward to, and December 12th cannot come fast enough.
Though following the occasional updates from the web site wasn't enough. I've been looking at random fan sites and I discovered the movie poster from the website 'Twilight Lexicon.' ((See Above)). Talk about drool factor for all us 'Twilight'ers'. And his eyes are simply to die for.
But if that isn't bad enough, they finally released the first movie teaser trailer, and that leaves you breathless. Here See for yourself.
Now isn't that just to die for? His smile at the end just before he carries Bella off just leaves you breathless. I was hesitant when I saw who they were casting for Edward. But I think I'm fairly convinced that they did a very good job casting the movie. Especially Edward and Bella.
I can't wait to see the movie. I can't wait tell December, and if anybody knows anymore updates to the movie process. Send them my way.
The sky puts on the darkening coat
held for it by a row of ancient trees
you watch. and the lands grow distant in your sight
one journeying to heaven, one that falls.
and leave you, not at home in either one
not quite so still and dark as the darkened houses
not calling to eternity with the passion
of what becomes a star each night and rises;
and leave you (inexpressibly to unravel)
your life, with its immensity and fear.
so that, now bounded, now immeasurable
it is alternately stone in you and star.
- Ranier Rilke
New to the Blogging Scene
I figured an online journal might not be such a bad idea. Just a place to get some things off my chest and talk about things that interest me. Mostly I needed a place to vent about things that are bothering me in my life.
No dating life, no job and no high-school diploma. I'm looking for work so if anyone has anything available, please let me know. I'm a pretty good typer and with no social life because all my other friends work then I should be able to work a lot. Just kidding.
Well, we'll see how this blogging thing goes. Wish me Luck!